Artful Gourmet on ABC News!

Food Styling & Photography story – ABC News

ABC News Picture Perfect

Watch the video as Lauren Glassberg from ABC News interviews Kristen Hess, ICE instructors and students on their experience at Institute of Culiary Education’s Food Styling and Photography course. CLICK THE VIDEO OR LINK TO VIEW


Welcome to Artful Gourmet

Kristen Hess

Welcome to Artful Gourmet

I’m Kristen Hess: food fanatic, amateur cook, graphic designer, writer, aspiring food stylist and photographer living in New York City. My new blog is the product of plenty of late nights of planning and dreaming, reading and writing, cooking and eating, and styling and shooting. My purpose is to share my passion and love for cooking and food and travel, alongside with my creative expressions of it through writing, design and photography.

I’ll be dedicating myself to updating content weekly, with stories and photos about cooking, favorite recipes and cooking techniques, restaurant reviews, local markets and food finds in New York City and other places I have lived or traveled to around the world. I’d like this blog to be my creative journalistic view on the food scene as well as a source of inspiration to others by sharing my own cooking and culinary experiences, recipes and stories with others as passionate about food as I am.

I’m excited to join the food blog community and am looking forward to sharing my stories and experiences with you all – Bon Appetit!